CSF Poetry — Dr. Mauro Zappaterra

Send me your poems inspired by cerebrospinal fluid meditations and they will be considered for inclusion on this webpage.

Email me your poems at holdingspace18@gmail.com

Many thanks for these wonderful words of inspiration.


Having enticed Eve
Hid within the human
Sleeping coiled
Breathing in Stillness,
Waiting to Arise to Awake
To bring Knowing as promised
Not with an Apple
But by raising its head
To rise opening the Gateway to Heaven
Connecting Heaven to Earth.

The Energy of Kundalini
Subtle and Strong
Resists and Flows
Expands and Contracts
It is Dense and Light
An Invisible Energy rising
Silently and slowly spiralling upwards
Opening doors from within
Where Divine Light enters.

Removing dark boundaries of limitedness
To experience
The Void
The Emptiness
The Living Truth.

Still in the form of a human being
Enlightened filled with Bliss
Kundalini is Awake.

MaRch 30, 2021 Nectar of Gods By: Shailaja

The Nectar of the Gods
Flowing in the body of humans
Bathing the soul in its brilliance

A testimony to our roots
As God's own children
A written record of our entire evolution

When the heaven's dams drip
Ye mortals! quench your thirst
Rare is such event, that elixir flows forth

Written March 12, 2021 by Indrani Fausch after doing a CSF meditation, for a writing class on Healing Love.

We emerged from the Ocean

Carrying The Ocean within

With unbounded power of Life to Love and Heal the World

Venus We Are

Complete and Whole with

Beauty Creativity and

Healing Love

Born of the Ocean as the Ocean of Love

Through the Ocean within we connect to our ancestors

Our Inheritance from time before birth

The Universe within

Holding Space of Healing Love

Through memory of Water

Why look outside

the Treasures are hidden deep within

Close your eyes to the world outside

see and touch the hidden Jewels

The Power of Healing

The Power of Love

The Power of Creation

Contained in the Ocean that We Are

The Amniotic Sea the embryo bathed

Filled with memory of ancestors since beginning of time

Going back to The Mother of All Mothers

Locked in the brain and spinal cord

Stored in cerebrospinal fluid the ocean within

From mother to child since eternal time

We incessantly mingle with The Great Mother.

Knowledge and Wisdom

Stored in Water as Memory

Healing Love

Nourishing Love

Birthing Love

All inherited through our ancestors alive within

So why seek for Love and Healing outside of You?

In a world of duality Love competes with hate

Healing with Illness

So as Good vs evil

Why do we forget that we emerged out of the ocean

Why do we forget we carry the Intelligence of The Great Mother

Why do we forget that we are the Ocean of Love

Why do we forget our face before we were born?

Be humbled and look within,

See the Ocean within

The One Love


Who am I today

Who was I yesterday

and Who am I tomorrow

Rest There where Healing Love awaits You

to show You

Your True Face